Sunday, March 22, 2009

Human Performance Improvement 2

Human Performance Improvement Study
How often does one see an individual sent off to training for help with a perceived performance problem when the real problem lies elsewhere?
Management and human resource practices, quality processes, and corporate culture are among the factors that can interplay to create serious performance issues. For instance, when team-members appear to lack motivation or cohesiveness, the management response often is to send them to a teambuilding course.
When training does not resolve a performance issue or when a large number of individuals in an organization exhibit performance problems, it’s time to take a holistic approach to identifying and fixing organizational problems. Human Performance Improvement (HPI) study is just such an approach. It includes systematic needs analysis to determine the environment, needs, current and expected culture, policies and processes, and other issues that impact work performance.
From this analysis emerge recommendations for performance enhancement that may or may not include training. HPI is a scientific, quantitative, and holistic approach to uncover and address performance issues. HPI believes that learning should make a difference!

This particular article is important in that it lays out what you might need to do as a individual ,when faced with a problem that might be from another area. It suggests that you take the overall approach of looking at all the angles of a particular problem and address it from that perspective. Once you look at it this way you or your organization might get a better understanding where the problems lie and adjust accordingly

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